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Working in a Sales Position

Sales can be a great career. Many times it offers you a flexible work schedule, the ability to have unlimited income and a chance to be paid for what you are worth. There are not many jobs out there that can compete with the benefits a successful sales career can offer to you.

Companies exist because of sales. If no one bought a product or service, no business could survive. For those companies that excel at selling their products (such as Apple and Walmart) we can see the results because these companies grow and go in the business world.

For the person who is choosing to enter into sales as a career, consider the following;

View yourself as a professional - you have the means to earn in the high six figures to a seven figure income as a sales professional. There is no reason to be at the bottom of the economic rung if you are going to be a salesman.

Set yourself up for success - you can make money selling almost anything if you master the art of sales. But why focus on services and products that will make your sales job harder? That does not make good economic sense for you or your family.

For example, why would you want to sell VHS tapes for a living now? In today's society the VHS tape has been replaced by CD's, online videos, YouTube, etc. There are so many other ways that people watch movies that most people don't even own a VHS player any more. Yes, things go out of style and maybe VHS will come back in but if your livelihood depended on selling VHS tapes you may starve to death.

Choose to represent a product or service that people need today. Look at what is not just a fad but the way things have changed (such as how almost every home now owns a computer). When you choose the right market to be in you will have more clients than picking a market there is little to no interest in.

Study sales - sales is a process. Learn the process. Understand what it means to build rapport, react to buying signals, handle objections, ask for the order and close the sale. Become well versed in how sales is done. If you want to earn an above average income you must develop above average skills.

Sales is a great job. Find the right company, represent the right product or service and see your income reach for the stars.

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