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Working In Sales Full Time For Free

Salespeople earn more money than most people in other professions. It is not uncommon to find sales people with six figure incomes and if you are in sales or upper management you may see a seven figure income.

On the other hand, there are minimum wage workers who earn more than some salespeople. You can go totally broke with a sales position.

How can this be? I believe it is because some sales people have embraced the lie of working in sales full time for free.

When you are in sales you have to be more disciplined than the hourly worker. If not, you will not get paid. Look at why people don't get paid in sales:

  1. Failure to expect to make a sale - if you are going to see a potential sales client then you should expect to close the sale. There are times when sales people go on appointments and make a presentation only to not make a sale. No once can guarantee a sale all the time but we must expect to sell if we hope to make regular sales.

  2. Failure to prospect regularly - we must speak to new people constantly to keep the flow of potential customers coming in. Failure to prospect means we run the risk of having no new clients. We need to always focus on getting new clients to fill our pipeline.

  3. Failure to plan and execute directly - its been said "plan your work and then work your plan". It can become tedious but if you really want to be successful then you have to take time to plan. I find that even after coming home and calling it a day I have to spend a few minutes reviewing what I need to do for tomorrow. This gets my mind ready to go to sleep and dream up ways to be productive. Make a good plan that will help you reach your goals. Then execute it.

  4. Failure to see sales as a profession position - don't buy into the lie that this is not a real profession. It is and the more you embrace it professionally, the more it will pay you back as such. Is it easy? No. But is it worth it? Yes.

If you are going to devote your time to doing sales, then don't settle for minimum wage as to reflect what you are worth. Earn your value in sales.

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